Can I visit the library and borrow books as a King's Alumni?


KCL Alumni have life-long visiting access to all KCL libraries

Visits are restricted to library staffed hours only. Please, be prepared to show your King's Connect account and a valid form of photo ID to security.

For more information on how to set up a King's Connect account for free, please visit Alumni Benefits.

Alumni+ (paid subscriptions)

KCL Alumni who wish to borrow books, need to fill out our Alumni+ Subscription Form.
You will have the option to choose between 2 discounted (50%) subscription options:

  • £30 for 6 months
  • £60 for 1 year

Alumni+ users will be provided with an ID card for swipe access outside of staffed hours (subject to library opening times) and will be able to borrow up to 5 books (you can take out up to five books in one go but you’re only allowed to have a total of five books on your account).

Please, always bring your Alumni+ card a form of ID with you if you would like to visit our libraries outside library staffed hours or borrow books. If you have forgotten your Alumni+ card, you can still visit (during library staffed hours only) by showing your King's Connect account to security. You will not be able to borrow books without your Alumni+ ID card.

For all external library users, please note:

  • Access to a limited selection of e-resources is available via a few public access (VERA) PCs.
    Please speak to library staff for access.
  • Reference access is available to all our print resources.
  • Visitors to King's libraries can use many of the same printing and photocopying services available to staff and students. Full details of this service and instructions on how to register for your own guest print account can be found here. These facilities are available in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright, Design and Patents Act, 1988.
  • Wi-Fi is available through The Cloud. See here for registration details.
  • The eduroam wireless network service may also be available if you belong to a participating institution. Eduroam login details can be used to access this network at King's library sites.
  • Last Updated Jul 25, 2024
  • Views 45954
  • Answered By Pete Garner

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