Copyright for Postgraduate Research Students


Phd Theses

Once your PhD has been awarded you will be required to submit an electronic version for the university’s records. The electronic version of your thesis will be hosted in King's institutional repository  Pure  and made available on the internet via the from end of Pure called the  Research Portal. An e-thesis made available in this way is considered to be a publication. As such, it is important to ensure good academic practice on citation of 3rd party material incorporated into the theses. This includes all images, graphs, drawings, etc - anything the author did not create themselves.

Modest amounts of 3rd party material can be included in a PhD theses under the copyright exception of fair dealing for criticism or review. If more extensive amounts of material are included permission may need to be sought from the rights owner. If permission isn’t granted a decision will need to be made about whether to risk keeping the content is it is, substituting other content, or redacting problematic material in the etheses version.

Please see here for more information about copyright and etheses.

Please see here for more information about intellectual property for postgraduate research students.

  • Last Updated Aug 24, 2022
  • Views 1931
  • Answered By Pete Garner

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