How do I order copies of materials from Special Collections?


Readers are welcome to order copies of material for the purpose of private study, either in person or remotely. All copying is carried out at the discretion of Special Collections staff.

Requests for copying may be refused where there is a risk of damage, and some items may have to be copied using specialised equipment or techniques. This is due to the rare and often irreplaceable nature of the material held by Special Collections. This includes, but is not limited to, tightly bound volumes, large or heavy volumes, volumes of particular age or rarity, documents of marked fragility, and photographs.

If you would like to order copies from us during your visit , please do not hesitate to ask a member of staff who will be happy to help. It is often possible for readers, within copyright guidelines and on completion of a declaration form, to use a digital camera or mobile phone camera to take pictures of items in our collections.

Please see more information here: Using the collections

If you would like to place an order for copies without visiting our Reading Room, please Contact us for more information.

Digital image provision

Basic charges for scan requests:

  • TIFF format – £20 for first image from each item, £10 for second and subsequent images from same item
  • JPEG format – bound items or unbound items of above A3 size – £8 for first image from each item, £5 for second and subsequent images from same item
  • JPEG format – unbound items of up to A3 size or copies of existing images – £3 per image

Additional specific customer requirements, e.g. image enhancement, will attract an additional discretionary charge.

Digitisation orders will be met within ten working days of receipt of payment (individual customers) or confirmation of order (corporate customers).

All prices are exclusive of VAT.

Images for external publication

If you wish to reproduce an image supplied by us in an external publication, you must obtain the prior permission of King's. A publication may be any of the following:

  • a printed publication, such as a book, journal article or exhibition catalogue
  • a film, video or television broadcast
  • an electronic publication, such as a website or other digital resource
  • public display in any form of electronic or hard copy (except for a single copy for use in an academic lecture, conference or seminar)
  • use of an image in any form of merchandise

To request permission you will need to contact the Special Collections Manager Adam Ray

Please provide as much information as you can about the use you wish to make of the image. In particular, we need to know:

  • the exact details of the image in question (ie the item in which it occurs and its location within that item)
  • how the image will be used. In the case of a printed publication please specify whether a half-page or full-page illustration is proposed and whether colour or black and white. If you wish to use the image more than once within the same publication (e.g. inside a book and on its dust-jacket, on two different web pages within the same website, in both the credits and the body of a television broadcast) you should give full details of each proposed usage
  • full details of the publication concerned. In the case of a printed publication or CD / DVD please include details of the retail price and print run
  • whether UK or world rights are sought
  • Reproduction fees may be payable to us if you wish to reproduce an image in publication.

Reproduction fees

We operate the following outline scale of charges:

  • Single use, UK rights – £50 per image
  • Single use, world rights – £100 per image

Fees may be reduced or waived for non-profit customers, University of London customers or small print runs, at our discretion.

Repeat usage attracts an additional fee, at our discretion. A higher fee may be charged for use in TV or film, depending on circumstances.

All prices are exclusive of VAT.


We welcome enquiries from film and television companies interested in filming items from our special collections on location in the Foyle Special Collections Library and ask potential enquirers to read our guidelines below before getting in touch.

Foyle Special Collections Library filming guidelines (pdf, 159kb)

Please contact Katie Sambrook, Head of Special Collections with initial enquiries.

All contracts are handled by King’s Venues.

  • Last Updated Feb 03, 2023
  • Views 756
  • Answered By Pete Garner

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