Can I borrow a laptop?


Libraries & Collections has invested in state-of-the-art self-service facilities for student loan laptops in most of our libraries. The system is very user-friendly, and the laptop cabinets function along the same lines as our new and improved book lending and return kiosks. Staff are on hand to lend any assistance if needed, so please ask.


  • are available in each library for use by King's students only. Scan your ID card to request a loan or return a loaned laptop
  • can be borrowed for up to 72 hours, with only one laptop on your account at any time.
  • due to the specific software build on library laptops, and a need to retain these as a sustainable, short-term resource for all students, we cannot grant extended laptop loans (over 72 hours) for sitting examinations.
  • may be taken out of the library.
  • are charged at £5 per hour, or part thereof, for late returns.

Note: Scan your card and press the wheelchair symbol on the screen to request a laptop from a locker at an accessible height if available.

Note: If you intend to take a loan laptop off campus you will need to log on before leaving, otherwise you won't be able to use the laptop.

Note: If the laptop cabinet is out of order in unstaffed hours and you are unable to return your laptop, please do not return it to security staff but return to library staff during staffed hours and we will waive any overdue fines.


Number of laptops

Franklin Wilkins Library


Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience (IoPPN) Library


The Maughan Library


New Hunt's House Library


St Thomas' House Library


Weston Education Centre Library



Laptops cannot be renewed and must be returned to the original library to avoid fines. Once the laptop has been returned students are able to borrow a new laptop.

Saving files

Deep Freeze software is installed on the laptops which will erase any files saved to the hard drive upon shutdown of the laptop, files will not then be retrievable.

Please go to the Start menu and open the King’s RemoteApp to access file storage and software, or save your files to a USB stick.

Laptop loan declaration

Each time you borrow a laptop, you will be asked to agree to the following:


  • I will return the laptop by the due time/date to the library from which it was borrowed, and if necessary report any damage to a member of staff.
  • I understand that fines are payable for the late return of the laptop at a rate of £5 per hour, or part thereof.
  • I understand that this laptop is for my personal use only, and I will not borrow it on behalf of a friend or colleague, or use it for work which is not educational or personal in nature.
  • I will only save files to my personal filestore or to a removable memory device, and understand that any files saved elsewhere on the laptop will be erased automatically when the laptop is shutdown or re-booted.
  • I understand that no software can be downloaded onto this laptop.
  • The College and Libraries & Collections are not responsible for any damage to the borrower’s data storage device(s), loss of data caused by software, hardware, battery failure or computer viruses.
  • I understand that if the laptop is lost, stolen or damaged in my care, I am liable to pay replacement costs in the region of £650 to £700.
  • I understand that failure to pay this invoice will result in suspension of library services and notification sent to my Head of School.


  • Last Updated Nov 27, 2024
  • Views 14862
  • Answered By Pete Garner

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