Login instructions for popular eresources


Here is a list of popular eresources and their login instructions, including tips and notes which contain additional useful information for the eresource.

BFI Player (British Film Institute)

You will need to create an account to access the BFI Player subscription:

  1. Go to player.bfi.org.uk/students and create an account OR sign in if you already have one by selecting 'Already have an account? Sign in'
  2. Select 'King's College London' from the dropdown list
  3. Authenticate subscription using your King's credentials

Please note: 

  • Once you have set up your account, you can log into BFI Player for the remainder of this academic year. You do not need to use the subscribe link
  • BFI Player is unavailable outside the UK
  • Rentals and festival events are not included in the subscription
NOTE Users will need to re-subscribe every year, i.e. if you had an account last year, you will need to visit player.bfi.org.uk/students and select 'Already have an account? Sign in'.


  • Once you are on the Brill platform, click on the person icon situated at the top right of the page and select ‘Login to my Brill account’. 
  • On the next screen, select ‘Login via Institution’.
  • In the search box, start typing ‘King’s College London’ and select the relevant entry for King’s from the drop-down list which appears.
  • This may take you to the King’s 'Sign in' page. Enter your K number, followed by ‘@kcl.ac.uk’ and password. Please note, at this stage, you may be prompted to complete an additional Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) step on your mobile device using an appropriate MFA authenticator.
  • You will then be taken back to the page you were previously on in the Brill platform. You can see you are logged in from the words ‘Access via King's College London’ on the top right-hand side.
TIP To narrow down the materials you are looking for, you can select Publications and then filter by product (Books, Journals or Reference Works). Filter by ‘subscribed content’ to display products that we have access to.

Brill Reference Works

  • Once you are on the Reference works platform, click on the ‘Connect’ button located under ‘Have institutional access?’ on the right side of the page.
  • In the search box, start typing ‘King’s College London’ and select the relevant entry for King’s from the list which appears.
  • This may take you to the King’s 'Sign in' page. Enter your K number, followed by ‘@kcl.ac.uk’ and password. Please note, at this stage, you may be prompted to complete an additional Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) step on your mobile device using an appropriate MFA authenticator.
  • You will then be taken back to the page you were previously on in Reference Works. You can see you are logged in from the words ‘Access provided by King's College London’ on the right-hand side.
TIP Content we have access to will be indicated by a green padlock icon.

Cambridge University Press 

  • Once you are on the Cambridge Core website, click on ‘Institution login’ in the top right hand corner of the page.
  • In the search box, start typing ‘King’s College London’, select the relevant entry for King’s from the drop-down list which appears, and then click on 'Continue to Login'.
  • This may take you to the King’s 'Sign in' page. Enter your K number, followed by ‘@kcl.ac.uk’ and password. Please note, at this stage, you may be prompted to complete an additional Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) step on your mobile device using an appropriate MFA authenticator. 
  • You will then be taken back to the page you were previously on in Cambridge University Press, and a pop-up message will appear that states ’You are successfully logged in via your institutional account’.
TIP Journals we have access to will have a green icon next to the issues and articles. If you are logged in successfully and you cannot see the green icon, please use King’s Journal Search to check if we subscribe to the journal and the years we are entitled to access.

Elsevier - Science Direct and Scopus 

The logging in process for Elsevier ScienceDirect ejournals and the Scopus database is the same.

  • Once you are on the ScienceDirect or Scopus website, click on ‘Sign in’ in the top right-hand corner of the page and on the next page select ‘Sign in via your institution’.
  • Under the ‘Institutional email or name of institution’ field, start typing ‘King’s College London’, select the relevant entry for King’s from the drop-down list which appears, and on the next screen click ‘Access through 'King's college London'.
  • At this stage, you may see an option to link or create and additional Elsevier account by entering your King’s email address. Alternatively, you can select ‘Continue without personalisation’.
  • This may take you to the King’s 'Sign in' page. Enter your K number, followed by ‘@kcl.ac.uk’ and password. Please note, at this stage, you may be prompted to complete an additional Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) step on your mobile device using an appropriate MFA authenticator. 
  • You will then be taken back to the page you were previously on in ScienceDirect or Scopus. You can see you are logged in from the King’s logo on the right-hand side at the top of the page.
TIP Journals we have access to will have a green icon next to the issues and articles. If you are logged in successfully and you cannot see the green icon, please use King’s Journal Search to check if we subscribe to the journal and the years we are entitled to access.
NOTE If it still says ‘Guest’ at the top of the page when you have logged into Science Direct, click on the Scopus link at the top of the page before you do anything else (or vice versa), and try to log in from there instead. Sometimes a login problem affects only one of these two resources. Once you have logged in successfully and you can see the King’s logo at the top of the page on the right, you can navigate back to the other resource by using the links at the top of the page.


  • Once you are on the Emerald Insight homepage, click on ‘Login’ at the top right-hand side of the page and then select ‘Access through your institution’. 
  • On the following page, type ‘King’s College London’ into the ‘Find your institution’ search box and select the relevant entry for King’s from the list which appears.
  • This may take you to the King’s 'Sign in' page. Enter your K number, followed by ‘@kcl.ac.uk’ and password. Please note, at this stage, you may be prompted to complete an additional Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) step on your mobile device using an appropriate MFA authenticator. 
  • You will then be taken back to the Emerald Insight landing page where you can browse or search for content using the central search bar. You can see you are logged in as ‘Welcome King’s College London’ will be displayed on the left-hand side at the top of the page.
TIP Journals we have access to will have a green tick above the issues and articles. If you are logged in successfully and you cannot see the green icon, please use King’s Journal Search to check if we subscribe to the journal and the years we are entitled to access.



  • In order to access the Euromonitor database while off-campus, you will need to create your own account rather than accessing via the institutional log-in button.
  • When accessing on-campus, click on the 'Institutional Login' option and then start typing 'King's College London' in the dropdown box on the next screen. Select the relevant entry, and then this may take you to the King’s 'Sign in' page. Enter your K number, followed by ‘@kcl.ac.uk’ and password.
    • At this stage, you may be prompted to complete an additional Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) step on your mobile device using an appropriate MFA authenticator. After this, you will then be taken to the Euromonitor home page.
  • When accessing off-campus, you should follow the specific Euromonitor link to access via the proxy server. The first time you access the Euromonitor log-in page, select ‘Register Here’ and follow the registration instructions to create your own account. You should then receive an email in order to verify your email address. When you next return to the log in page, you can use the log in details you have set up for future access.
TIP You may need to clear your internet browser's cookies and cache if you are presented with an error message when attempting to access this resource while off campus. Alternatively, access the resource using an incognito/private browsing tab.


i-Law: Construction, Insurance & Reinsurance and Dispute Resolution 

  • Registration is required when accessing the database for the first time:
  • Once you are on the i-law homepage, select 'Login’ from the top bar. Select 'Don't have an account' and complete the registration form using your King's email address. You should receive an email from 'noreply@lloydslistintelligence.com' containing a link to verify your account. You should now be able to log in with your registered details.
  • If existing password is not recognised, click 'Forgot Password' and follow the reset instructions.
NOTE When logging into i-law.com on or after 22nd May 2023, an email verification will be required. From the verification email sent to your i-law registered email address, click on 'verify email', and you should then be able to access i-law as usual.

JAMA Network 

  • Once you are on the JAMA network homepage click on ‘Sign In’ from the top right of the page, and then select the option to ‘Sign In’ which shows under ‘Access through your institution’. 
  • Start typing ‘Kings College London’ into the search box under ‘Access through your institution’, and select the relevant entry for Kings from the list which appears.
  • This may take you to the King’s 'Sign in' page. Enter your K number, followed by ‘@kcl.ac.uk’ and password. Please note, at this stage, you may be prompted to complete an additional Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) step on your mobile device using an appropriate MFA authenticator.
  • You will then be taken back to the home page of JAMA. 
TIP When you are on the home page you can use the dropdown menu located on the top left to search for the journal you require, or you can either go back to your article reference, or use King’s Journal Search to check if we subscribe to the journal and the years we are entitled to access.


  • Once you are on the JSTOR homepage, click on ‘Login’ at the top right hand corner of the page.
  • From the following screen, on the right-hand side, under ‘Looking for your institution?’, select ‘Find My Institution’. 
  • Start typing ‘Kings College London’ into the search box under ‘Search for your institution’, select search, and then select the relevant entry for King’s from the result list which appears.
  • This may take you to the King’s 'Sign in' page. Enter your K number, followed by ‘@kcl.ac.uk’ and password. Please note, at this stage, you may be prompted to complete an additional Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) step on your mobile device using an appropriate MFA authenticator.  
  • At this stage, you may see a pop-up asking if you would like to create an individual JSTOR account by entering your King’s email address. Alternatively, you can select 'Continue without an account'.
  • You will then be taken back to the page you were previously on in JSTOR. You can see you are logged in from the words ‘Access provided by King's College London’ at the top of the screen.
TIP If you are unsure on access to a specific journal, please use King’s Journal Search to check if we subscribe to the journal and the years we are entitled to access


  • Once you are on the Ovid log in page, select ‘OpenAthens | Institutional’ from below the main login option. Please note, ignore the 'Incorrect ID/Password or Invalid IP Address' error message at the top of the page.
  • Start typing ‘King’s College London’ into the search box under 'Find your institution’ and select the relevant entry for King’s which appears. 
  • This may take you to the King’s 'Sign in' page. Enter your K number, followed by ‘@kcl.ac.uk’ and password. Please note, at this stage, you may be prompted to complete an additional Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) step on your mobile device using an appropriate MFA authenticator.
  • On the next page, if searching for a journal, you can click on the 'Journals' tab on the top and then search for the relevant title. This will send you to the journal's landing page, where you can search or browse for articles within that title.
  • Alternatively, from the same page, but instead searching across databases, you can select the relevant databases from the ‘Select Resource(s) to search’ list which appears. If you try searching 'All resources' and receive an error message, please narrow your search to just a selection. Please note, some databases only allow one user at a time, and in this case you can try again in a few minutes.

Oxford Scholarship Online

  • Once you are on the Oxford Scholarship Online website, click on the person symbol at the top right-hand side and then select ‘Sign in through your institution’ showing under ‘Institutional access’.
  • Start typing ‘King’s College London’ into the search box which shows under ‘Find Your Organization’ and select the relevant entry for King’s which appears. 
  • This may take you to the King’s 'Sign in' page. Enter your K number, followed by ‘@kcl.ac.uk’ and password. Please note, at this stage, you may be prompted to complete an additional Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) step on your mobile device using an appropriate MFA authenticator.  
  • You will then be taken back to the homepage of Oxford Scholarship Online. You can see you are logged in by clicking on the person symbol in the top-right hand side which will then say ‘Signed in as Institutional Account: King’s College London’. 
TIP Books we have access to will have a green padlock icon next to their entry.
Instead of accessing Oxford Scholarship Online by choosing an individual ebook via the Library Search, you can also access Oxford Scholarship Online through our list of Databases. This allows you to search or browse the resources within Oxford Scholarship Online.


  • To access Quintessence journals, search for the journal you require via either Library Search or Journal Search to access via the Proxy.
  • Please note, at this stage, you may be prompted to complete an additional Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) step on your mobile device using an appropriate MFA authenticator.
  • After logging in, you will then be taken to the journal homepage, and can access the volume and issues you are looking for.


  • Once you are on the SAGE journals homepage, click on ‘Access/Profile’ (top right), and then select ‘View Access options’. 
  • Start typing 'King's College London' in the search box under 'Institution' and select the relevant entry for King’s which appears. 
  • This may take you to the King’s 'Sign in' page. Enter your K number, followed by ‘@kcl.ac.uk’ and password. Please note, at this stage, you may be prompted to complete an additional Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) step on your mobile device using an appropriate MFA authenticator.  
  • You will then be taken back to the page you were previously on in SAGE. You can see you are logged in from the words 'I have access via: Kings College London' displayed on the top right-hand side of the page.
TIP If you tick ‘Remember this selection’ on the Sign In Via Your Institution Page then SAGE will remember your Location and Institution choices.
TIP Click ‘Browse journals by discipline’ to restrict the displayed results to titles that we have access to.

Senate House Library (SHL) eresources

  • King’s College London pays for students to have membership of Senate House Library for the duration of their studies. This includes remote access to most of their online resources.
  • More detail on how to join can be found on the Senate House Library Membership page.
  • Once you have joined, you can access Senate House Library’s eresources via our list of Senate House Library Databases.
  • To log into these resources, please enter your name and the barcode number from your Senate House Library card.
Access to eresources: 
Senate House Library are offering a temporary application form which will allow King's students to register remotely for Senate House eresource access on a four monthly rolling membership. All you will need for validation is your King's email address. Please note, you will need to fill in the form in its entirety.


  • Note that the 'Log in’ option at the top of the SpringerLink page cannot be used to authenticate access. Instead, navigate to a specific article and select the blue 'Log in via an institution' option displayed under the 'Access this article' heading.
  • Start typing ‘Kings College London' in the search box under ‘Find your institution’.
  • This may take you to the King’s 'Sign in' page. Enter your K number, followed by ‘@kcl.ac.uk’ and password. Please note, at this stage, you may be prompted to complete an additional Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) step on your mobile device using an appropriate MFA authenticator.  
  • You will then be taken back to the SpringerLink page you were previously on
TIP When you are on the home page you can use the search box to search for the journal you require. If you are logged in successfully you will see the options 'download PDF' and 'view article' under articles we have access to. If you do not see these options, please use King’s Journal Search to check if we subscribe to the journal and the years we are entitled to access.

Taylor & Francis

  • Note that users are occasionally required to log-in twice to the T&F platform in order to view material that King's is subscribed to.
  • Once you are on Taylor & Francis Online home page, click on ‘Log in’ at the top of the page.
  • Under ‘Log in via your institution’, click on ‘Access through your institution’.
  • Start typing ‘King’s College London’ in the search box and select the relevant entry for King’s which appears.
  • This may take you to the King’s 'Sign in' page. Enter your K number, followed by ‘@kcl.ac.uk’ and password. Please note, at this stage, you may be prompted to complete an additional Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) step on your mobile device using an appropriate MFA authenticator.
  • You will then be taken back to the page you were previously on in Taylor & Francis. You can see you are logged in from the words ‘Access provided by King's College London’ at the top of the screen.
TIP To browse Journals, click on the ‘Journals A-Z button’ located at the bottom of the page. Journal volumes we have access to will have a green icon next to the issues. If you are logged in successfully and you cannot see the green icon, please use King’s Journal Search to check if we subscribe to the journal and the years we are entitled to access.

Web of Science

  • Once you are on the Web of Science platform, click on ‘Institutional Sign In’ on the left.  
  • From the dropdown list which appears, select ‘UK Federation’ and select ‘Go to Institution’.  
  • In the following search box, start typing ‘King’s College London’ and select the relevant entry for King’s from the drop-down list which appears. 
  • This may take you to the King’s 'Sign in' page. Enter your K number, followed by ‘@kcl.ac.uk’ and password. Please note, at this stage, you may be prompted to complete an additional Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) step on your mobile device using an appropriate MFA authenticator.
  • You will then be taken back to the page you were previously on in the Web of Science platform. You can see you are logged in from the words ‘King's College London’ at the bottom of the page. 


  • When you log in for the first time, it should prompt you to register via Thomas Reuters One Pass using your name and King's email address.
  • This may then take you to the King’s 'Sign in' page. Enter your K number, followed by ‘@kcl.ac.uk’ and password. Please note, at this stage, you may be prompted to complete an additional Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) step on your mobile device using an appropriate MFA authenticator.
  • You should then be taken directly to the Westlaw platform to search for resources. 

Wiley Online Library

  • Once you are on the Wiley Online Library homepage, click on ‘Login / Register’ at the top right of the page and select ‘Institutional Login’.
  • Start typing ‘King’s College London’ in the search box under 'Search for your Institution' and select the relevant entry for King’s which appears.
  • This may take you to the King’s 'Sign in' page. Enter your K number, followed by ‘@kcl.ac.uk’ and password. Please note, at this stage, you may be prompted to complete an additional Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) step on your mobile device using an appropriate MFA authenticator.  
  • You will then be taken back to the home page of Wiley Online Library. You can see you are logged in from the words ‘-member@kcl.ac.uk’ which show at the top of the screen. 

Wharton Research Data Services (WRDS)

King's College London students and staff can access Wharton Research Data Services databases by registering for a WRDS account at the Wharton Research Data Services site. Registration requests are reviewed by TEL and by the King’s Business School who fund WRDS resources. It may take between 24 and 48 hours for the process to be completed and for passwords to be issued.

For any issues with logins for WRDS, please contact tel-business@kcl.ac.uk.

  • Last Updated Nov 05, 2024
  • Views 21599
  • Answered By Pete Garner

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