How do I request a digitisation of a chapter or an article for my reading list? Are you able to digitise books? 


Under copyright law we cannot digitise entire books but are permitted to digitise one chapter, or 10% of the whole book, whichever the greater. In the case of journals we are permitted to digitise two articles from an issue of a journal.

To request a digitisation, please follow these steps in your reading list:

  • Locate the item and click on the title to expand the citation.
  • In the expanded view click on Request Digitization near the bottom.
  • In the pop-up form complete the details of the extract requiring digitisation. Fill in as many details as you can. Please remove the start and end dates to ensure the digitisation is visible for your students for the full length of the module.
  • Once completed click Send to submit the request.

Once you have placed a request, the item’s status will appear as Digitisation in Progress. The status will change to Digitisation Approved once the request has been digitised. The digitisation can be accessed via the View Online option.

You can find further guidance on digitisations on our KLaSS - Building and Developing Your Reading Lists KEATS pages. If you’ve never used Library & Collections’ King's Learning and Skills Service (KLaSS) KEATS pages, please enrol from the homepage for access.


  • Last Updated Sep 04, 2024
  • Views 1222
  • Answered By

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