Can I book a 1-1 appointment with a librarian?


Yes, we offer both online and in-person 1-1s with a librarian, to help with navigating e-resources and doing literature searches.

In the first instance, if you are a student, you should explore the options available in the KLaSS module on KEATS, including the forums, where many queries can be resolved without the need for a 1-1. Your personal tutor or the study skills leaders may also be able to assist with your questions.

KCL staff and NHS staff from King's College Hospital Trust and Guy's and St Thomas'  Trust can also book appointments.

Our online 1-1 appointments are delivered via Microsoft Teams.

Our in-person 1-1 appointments are delivered at each King’s library, which you can choose when you book.

To find more information and to book a 1-1 go to our Library Guides, choose your subject, and select the tab called ‘Library Workshops, Drop-Ins and 1-1s’.


  • Last Updated Jul 18, 2024
  • Views 2284
  • Answered By Max Z

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