What is the Leganto reading list rollover?

The reading list rollover is an annual process, in which a reading list associated with the previous academic year (i.e. 2023/24) is rolled over into the new academic year (i.e. 2024/25).   

During the rollover process, a copy of the current year’s list is made at the point when rollover takes place and this new copy will be associated to the new academic year. Current reading lists will still be available to academic staff and students until the end of August, when they will be archived. 

What happens to my list?  

All current reading lists for this academic year will remain active and students will still be able to continue to access their reading lists in Leganto.    

During the rollover process, all lists from the previous academic year will be locked by the library. Lists will be read-only, therefore changes cannot be made to these lists. The library can unlock a list, upon request.  

What do I have to do?  

List owners are asked not to make any changes to their list during the process, which will be completed by the 10th June 2024.  

Any references to specific years within the title of a reading list will be copied over to the new reading list for the next academic year. A reminder that, where necessary, any dates in the reading list titles will need to be manually updated by faculty to reflect the new academic year.  

Do I need to request a review before rollover?   

A review is not a requirement prior to rollover. A request for review can be sent after the rollover process is complete.  

Still have questions?   

Please direct queries to the Collection Design & Delivery team, via email, at library@kcl.ac.uk.



  • Last Updated Jun 03, 2024
  • Views 33
  • Answered By Sherri S

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