Can I reproduce materials from the Archives?


Publishing from the collections

If you wish to reproduce material from the archives in publication, you must obtain permission from us. A publication may be any of the following:

  • a printed publication, such as a book, journal article or exhibition catalogue
  • a doctoral thesis
  • a film, video or television broadcast
  • an electronic publication, such as a website or other digital resource
  • public display in any form of electronic or hard copy (except for a single copy for use in an academic lecture, conference or seminar)
  • use of an image in any form of merchandise

Quoting from unpublished material

For brief quotations from most of our material permission is not needed, although you need to ensure you have sufficiently credited the material with our archive name, the collection name, and reference numbers.

In some cases, the university and / or the Trustees of the Liddell Hart Centre for Military Archives will need to grant permission for quotations, including those:

  • from Liddell Hart Centre for Military Archives holdings under 30 years old
  • from the papers of FM Sir William Robertson (including citations)
  • of entire documents
  • of 200 words or more

Additionally, all readers who have been given access to restricted access archival records will be required to submit relevant extracts of their texts prior to publication.

No copyright material should be used in any publication without first obtaining permission from the copyright holder.

Quoting from published material

Readers wishing to quote in a publication from published material are reminded of the need to abide by the provisions of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1998. A summary guide to the Act can be found on King’s College London’s Copyright web pages.

Using images in publication and broadcasting

To request permission you will need to contact us at Please provide as much information as you can about the use you wish to make of the image. In particular, we need to know:

  • the details of the image in question
  • how the image will be used. If you wish to use the image more than once within the same publication/broadcast you should give full details of each proposed usage
  • full details of the publication concerned, including the retail price and print run
  • whether national or world rights are sought

Reproduction fees may be payable to us if you wish to reproduce an image in publication. Please see details of reproduction fees for more information.


We welcome enquiries from film and television companies interested in filming on location in the Archives Reading Room. Please contact us directly via


  • Last Updated Mar 10, 2023
  • Views 1273
  • Answered By Pete Garner

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