How do I join the library as a new member of staff?


King's Staff self-service Library registration

Please note staff self-service registration for a Library account is only possible for staff on the King’s payroll.

Staff will already have an IT account created for you when you join King's, but this is distinct from a Library account.

King’s students are automatically registered with the library (your King’s ID card is your Library Card to give you access to all the King's libraries).

To Register for a King’s Library account follow these simple steps:

  1. Go to Library Search and click on Register near the top of the page
  2. Enter your King’s username (e.g. K1234567) and password
  3. You will see a simple form has been filled in with details drawn from your staff record

After creating your account remember to log out especially if using a public computer.

Reasons that you may not be able to Register include the following

  1. You have entered an incorrect username or password.  Please see this internal King's page for help
  2. You already have a Library account. In this case you should see the message: You are already registered in Alma
  3. You fall into one of the categories that cannot self register i.e. students, honorary or visiting staff etc.

If you have any problems with this process, please contact us and we will be happy to assist you. 

Affiliate staff

If a staff member is working closely with, but are not directly employed by King’s, they may be eligible for an affiliate account, which will give them access to King’s systems and resources.

All registrations for new affiliates are delivered by IT online. Please visit the Affiliate accounts IT page for more information on how to start your registration.

When your affiliate IT account is set up, please follow the 3 steps mentioned above to self-register for a library account.

Visiting Lecturers

Visiting and honorary staff can find information on joining the Library here.

  • Last Updated Sep 25, 2023
  • Views 11083
  • Answered By Pete Garner

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