How do I book a Study Space?


You do not need to book to study in our libraries, however we do have bookable group study rooms, and at some of our libraries individual study pods and video call pods.

Please see below for information about usage and bookings.

  1. Go to the booking page.
  2. Please read the latest booking information on the page.
  3. Click on > Make a booking.
  4. From the drop-down menu > select the library you would like to book a space in.
  5. Choose the date for your booking.
  6. Pick a room or pod from the options on the left of the booking grid. Click on the info button or room name in the space column to find out the details of each room, including the group size capacity, facilities, and directions to the room. You can see where the rooms are located within the library by clicking on the floor plans (link above the date).
  7. Once you have decided on a room or pod, select any of the available time slots in the row next to the room you would like to book (Green = Available; Red = Unavailable; Amber = Your booking).
  8. Scroll to the bottom of the page to see the time slots you have selected (to delete a time slot, click on the bin icon).
  9. Click on > Submit Times.
  10. You will now see your booking details and the Terms & Conditions, after reading these click > Continue.
  11. Fill out the form with your name, King’s or NHS email (,,,,,, group name and number of people in your booking. Then click on > Submit my Booking.
  12. You will be sent an email. You MUST click on the link in that email within 30 MINUTES to verify your booking. Otherwise the reservation will lapse.

Information on location and use

  • Bookings are limited to 2 per week, maximum 3 hours per day, and maximum 6 hours per week.
  • Slots are available up to 7 days in advance.
  • None of these spaces are to be booked for teaching, lecturing or meeting purposes.
  • The person making the booking is accountable for the conduct of the group.
    If your conduct falls below the expected standards, this will be regarded as a breach of Libraries & Collections Policy. As a result, you can be asked to leave the library, you will be required to attend an interview with a senior member of library staff, and a letter can be sent to your department. The matter can also be escalated in line with College’s Misconduct Procedure.

Group Study Rooms (GS)

  • Bookings must be for a minimum of 2 or 4 people (depending on the room size).
  • Can be found at all library sites.

Study Pods (SP)

  • Can be booked for single occupancy (up to a maximum capacity of 4 people at Weston Education Centre Library).
  • Two (2) Study Pods are located on the Ground floor at Weston Education Centre Library and five (5) more are on the first floor of Franklin-Wilkins Library.
  • The pod in G.13 at the Maughan Library is not bookable, instead operating on a first come, first served basis (to be found on the Ground Floor).
  • Not sound-proofed.

Video Call Pods (VP)

  • One (1) each can be found at Franklin-Wilkins Library and New Hunt's House Library.
  • Acoustically treated booths for single person use, ideal for important video calls.

Assistive Technology Rooms (AT)

For information about booking an Assistive Technology Room please see our Disability Support pages.


  • Last Updated Jun 21, 2024
  • Views 12222
  • Answered By Pete Garner

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