How long can I borrow an item for? How many items can I borrow?


The recall notification system is in operation, if you receive a notification about one of your books being recalled and you cannot return a book in person you can use our free UK postal returns service through Royal Mail to send items back to the library.

Loan periods

Borrowing limits


Loan periods

We have three types of library loans:

Standard loans (identified by either no sticker or a Blue sticker): A minimum of 7-days.
You may notice that Standard loan items are on loan for a rolling 7 day period. These items will automatically renew every day unless they have has been requested by another library user.

Short Loans (identified by an Orange or Yellow sticker): 24 hours
Items within our short-loan collections can only be borrowed for 24-hours (or when the library is next open). To ensure the availability of this collection for other members of the King's community, you must return a short-loan item to the same library from which it was borrowed. Short Loan items will not automatically renew.

Reference Only items (identified with a Red sticker): cannot be borrowed
We have a number of items in libraries that are a part of our reference-only collection. These items are intended to support study within the library and are usually not suitable for borrowing due to size and the impracticality of storing numerous copies on site.

In addition, any disabled student who has recorded a disability on their student record will receive extended library loans (1 week loan extended to 2 weeks) as part of our overall disability support.

Borrowing limits

User Group

Total Loans

King's Undergraduate 


King's Postgraduate Taught (Masters)


King's Postgraduate Researcher (PhD)


King's Staff


NHS staff




Academic Visitor


Items obtained via our Interlending and Document Delivery Service count towards your overall borrowing entitlement. This could mean that you have to return a King's book before taking out an inter-library loan book.


Standard-loan books that have been issued to your Library account will automatically be renewed every day to ensure your item always has a 7-day loan length, unless they have been requested by another library user, and you will then be notified when they are due back.

We do not have a limit on the number of times your item will automatically renew. If your item needs to be returned to the library, we will contact you by email.

Please note the exceptions below for items that cannot be renewed:

  • Short loan books - 24-hour loan (or when the library is next open).
  • Laptops – 72-hour loan.

If your account becomes blocked, it means that you will be unable to borrow or reserve any further items from the library, however auto-renewals will still be in effect for any remaining standard-loan items on your account.

  • Last Updated Feb 21, 2024
  • Views 9059
  • Answered By Pete Garner

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