Can I access other libraries?


In addition to the wide range of resources available to you at King’s, you can also make use of other libraries.

Senate House

King's students and staff are entitled to free membership of Senate House Library, located in Bloomsbury, Central London. It is one of the largest humanities (and social science) focused research libraries in the UK Higher Education community and includes many collections of national and international importance.

Information on its subject collections is available online.

Membership is free for King's students and staff, and will enable you to borrow books and access some electronic resources. Senate House Library databases can be accessed by members via the King's Database list or the Senate House Database list.

You also have access to the British Library which houses a wealth of resources and has reading rooms at St Pancras.

King’s participates in several regional and national schemes to provide access to these resources. Please check for access restrictions before visiting.

Listed below are a number of links to catalogues which may help locate material of interest to you in libraries outside King's. 

  • AIM25  Aggregates descriptions of archive collections in more than 130 London institutions
  • University of London Research Library Service  Senate House Library plus Institutes
  • British Library   Search the catalogues of the national library of the United Kingdom
  • M25 Consortium University, museum and other libraries in, or within easy reach of, London
  • Union List of Serials  Periodicals holdings of the constituent libraries of the University of London, Imperial College London and the University of Westminster
  • Library Hub Discover (Jisc): Library Hub Discover gives access to details of materials held in many UK and Irish national, academic and specialist libraries. The resource replaces COPAC and SUNCAT
    • COPAC: Consortium of Research Libraries
      Holdings of major UK and Irish libraries (including the British Library), many university libraries, and specialist research libraries.  This service has been replaced by Jisc Library Hub.
    • SUNCAT: UK Union Catalogue of Serials
      UK research libraries' holdings of serial publications (e.g. journals, newspapers, magazines). This service has been replaced by Jisc Library Hub.
  • Last Updated Aug 16, 2024
  • Views 8499
  • Answered By Pete Garner

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