What are the library opening hours?


3 January - 8 June 2025

Maintenance closures can happen throughout the year, for more details please see our Library Alerts page.

  • ❌🛠️ Due to planned maintenance work, the Franklin-Wilkins Library will close from 06.00 on Saturday 8 February and re-open at 18.00 on Sunday 9 February. All our other libraries will be open as usual during this time.
  • ❌🛠️ Due to planned maintenance work, the New Hunt's House Library will close from 06.00 on Saturday 15 February and re-open at 18.00 on Sunday 16 February. All our other libraries will be open as usual during this time.
  • 🏃 The Cancer Research UK London Winter Run will pass the Maughan Library on Sunday 23 February. This will involve road closures meaning the Maughan Library will only be accessible by foot. Please plan accordingly.
Staffed hours:
This is when you can expect library staff to be in the library to help you.)

🕘 09.00 - 19.00   Monday to Friday
🕘 10.00 - 18.00   Saturday and Sunday


IoPPN Library*: 🕘 09.00 - 17.00   Monday to Friday  |  (Closed on Weekends and Bank Holidays) 

The Wills Library** and the St Thomas' House Library** do not have library staffed hours.
Please use our Library Chat service if you require assistance.

Opening hours:
This is when you can enter the library if you have a valid KCL ID card. 
Visitors without a valid KCL ID card need to strictly keep to the Staffed hours.)



Monday - Friday

Saturday - Sunday

Denmark Hill


09.00 - 01.00*


Weston Education Centre (WEC)

24 / 7


New Hunt’s House

24 / 7


24 / 7**

St Thomas

St Thomas’ House

24 / 7**


The Maughan*

24 / 7

Special Collections

Monday - Friday, 10.00 - 13.00 and 14.00 - 17.00



Tuesday - Thursday, 10.00 - 17.00




24 / 7

* pronounced "Mawn" like lawn

24/7 Space

At the Weston Education Centre Library, computer rooms 1.49 - 1.52 (NHS PCs available in room 1.49) will be open 24/7 and will be accessible via the first-floor corridor of the building when the library is closed.​

  • Last Updated Feb 07, 2025
  • Views 170141
  • Answered By Pete Garner

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